Daniel Bucci's Blog Thing


Comic #29: The Gospel

Let's just pretend that this comic didn't come out 16 minutes after midnight. Yay! I hit every Wednesday in November! That puts me three weeks out from my record of 8 weeks of comics, so s**t could be getting real, real soon.

Anyway, I live in Pittsburgh, so it gets cold. Not as cold as more northern cities, but colder than more southern cities, and as colder as cities at similar latitudes. When it gets cold, wearing long johns under your pants is essential. It just makes everything warmer and more comfy and good. Follow the gospel.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow (today)! It'll be nice to get 3 days rest, before the final school stretch. I hope that I come out of that alive.


Comic #28: I Get It

Last week's comic was the result of me trying to think up a comic at 1:00am and coming up with a bad pun (Gioke, sounds like joke, so there was no joke last week. GET IT?!?!?). This week's comic was a reflection on last week's comic and why you should never be proud of anything ever.

So yeah. Still have no idea what's happening on the game front. I should probably just pick a game and stick to it, but that's not me, man. Also, I seriously doubt I'll get something out over Thanksgiving weekend, even though I really wanted to. It's not a big surprise, honestly, and it really just means I'll have to try and do something over Christmas break instead, before my Spring semester crushes my soul...


New Comic! It's a Punny One!

Is it though? I'm really trying to think if this one qualifies as a pun or not. This task is especially hard, considering that I don't really know the formal definition of a pun and I don't care to look it up. Aren't life's mysteries grand?

I made this comic on Monday, and realized 5 minutes before publishing it that its effect is entirely dependent on how you pronounce "the word". If you get it right, it's the best kind of bad pun (I think?). If not... well at least it won't be any worse than any of my other comics.

So anyway, I'm pretty busy with school at the moment, so one comic a week is about all I can muster, but I swear that I will get back to games at some point, and I'm 80% certain that point is not never. Also, I'll try to blog more often, cause hey, at least its some sort of content. Right?


New Cosmic! Fatdog!

Fatdog. Like that old show, Catdog? Remember? I'm funny, damn it!

Dogs really are pretty disgusting creatures. Especially when it comes to consumption of their own feces, or the occasional, mind-bogglingly disgusting fart, as demonstrated in this comic. And dogs like both of those things, which really only worsens the problem.

That's not to say that there aren't good things about dogs, like their undying loyalty, or occasional cuteness. That's just to say that cats have one of those things too, in greater quantity, and aren't nearly as disgusting. Dogs evolved to eat poop because it hid their scent. Cats just buried it and got the same evolutionary results. Speaks volumes, in my opinion.


Don't Like AdSense? Neither Do I! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!

The AdSense, that is. Not you, dear reader. You can please stay, for the love of god.

Seven dollars and thirty-five cents. That's exactly how much money I have made from having AdSense on my website for the past 2 years. And I've only gotten less since switching to the smaller box ad on the left. It's worthless, it's ugly, it's gone.

In its place are some of my own ads. For myself. Hey, it's my personal website, I'll put whatever the hell I want on it. Click those buttons and links without giving it a thought, and if I add more in the future, click those as well.

New comic tomorrow! See you then!


Site Update!

Lately, Javascript has become my programming language of choice. It's just a really fun language to write in and it's probably going to be the language that I make my games in from now on. This made the state of the Javascript that this site uses all the more pitiful, so I've been working on rewriting it throughout the past week or so.

I started with the Avatar Editor, which is now more sensibly written/actually works (it's been broken for some time...), then I moved on to actually finishing the "email me" form on the About page, and finally I redid the avatar drawing stuff for some minor improvements (the avatar shows up when you first log in and is updated when you save your avatar).

Finally, the User Box in the sidebar has been restyled, as have the navigation links, resulting in a cleaner look, in my humblest of opinions. Now the only improvement left to be made is to get the site some god damn users, so people could actually appreciate this stuff.


User Avatar's are now Editable!

So at some point, I started to re-code the somewhat-poorly-written avatar editor that can be found on your user page, for all 4 of my users. (That's a literal count, by the way. Why doesn't anyone join my site? Oh right, there's no reason to...). Like the form on the about page to automagically email me, I stopped halfway and pushed it live. Professionalism.

Anyway, it's fixed now, and written in a much more reasonable way, in my opinion. So make an account, go to your page, and make your own special avatar! Please! Don't make me beg!

P.S. I got rid of the extra spacing between words on the site. Better or worse?


50 Posts and 25 Comics! Milestone!

They didn't think I could do it. I probably shouldn't have done it. But I made it to 50 posts AND 25 comics on the SAME DAY. Woo! Too bad they all suck, but that's just minor details.

Had I had the time, I would have made this blog post a special one. One that was funny and heart-felt and introspective and really says a lot about what this site has been about. Instead you're getting this crap, like always. Not that anyone even reads this blog anyway, so maybe I just saved myself some time.

Every comic I make is special in no particular way, and this one is no different. I had the idea for it about two weeks ago, and didn't have time to make it, so I made it this week, which has quickly become just as busy as last week. So be thankful or something.

You'd think that I'd stop writing at this point, and you'd be right.


Busy Week

Tired. Very tired. It's been another busy week. And while I have an idea for a comic, I once again did not get around to actually implementing it. Next week. (3/5 for October ain't bad, right?)

Hey, so a while back, a user on Newgrounds named Plasma Rift asked if he could use my games in his new Let's Play channel, in a series called "Indie Quests". Me being ecstatic that someone actually asked permission for my stuff, I said sure.

It's now recorded (at least, the video for Feed the Children) and up on the YouTube right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVuaB47BFRw so go ahead and watch it, if that's your thing, and remember, supporting unknown artists is good karma. *cough* *cough*

Now I think that I'm up to 3 or 4 Let's Plays of my various games. None are too popular, but that's still a great feeling to know that at least some people views your game with enough admiration to record it.

Killing this post is a good idea, cause dear lord it's awful. I should try harder...


Comic #24: Hippo Christ

There! New comic! And one that I'm actually kind of proud of, to boot. I just liked the idea and the bible quote I found to go with it was perfect. It just works on so many (2) layers.

Had I not needed a large portion (all) of my two 5 hours flights last week for sleep, I would have made it then, and had it posted last week, but oh well, such is life. I'm glad I got it out though.

Additionally, this is the first comic that has been saved with Comicus (which you can now see for yourself at spiritus-dlbucci.rhcloud.com). The last one was made before I introduced that ability, and thank Science nothing went wrong. Now I can go back and edit/update/improve this one, if I would want to, provided that I don't eat my cookies. Internet cookies. Not tasty cookies.

There was stuff that I wanted to say about Comicus yesterday that I decided to save for today and have promptly forgotten, so I guess that'll just be another blog post. See you at that point in the space time continuum!